Are you having difficulty getting the results you want from your training?
You aren’t alone!
This is the biggest reason why so many people give up on their fitness and training plans. We can sometimes feel like failures when life gets in the way and we have to keep stopping and starting our fitness routines. After a while, we can feel incapable of sticking at them for longer than a few months at a time and so people give up altogether. The reality is that starting any new program will normally involve a rough start. It takes a while to find the right training program for you, and to get yourself in the habit of learning the right habits.
But this article is here to change that. This is for all of you who have been frustrated because you haven’t been getting the results you want to see.
The key is to understanding the science of why some training programs work and others don’t. Recognizing the different types of equipment and programs that are available to you, so you can achieve your goals for building mass.
But before we get into all that, let’s start with something even more important: Having the right attitude and fitness goals.
Step 1: Discover Your ‘Why’
The first step for you to take is to find your “why”. This is the reason you train, and it’s what will get you out of bed, out the door and to the gym every single day without hesitation. The reason why this is so important is because it’s also going to impact how you train. When you have a real reason for building mass and a real ambition, then you’ll be able to dig deeper to find that bit of extra strength and you’ll be able to keep going even when you’re starting to feel exhausted and you’re thinking of giving up.
Many people often talk about training as though it’s a challenge. One that involves finding your inner “Rocky” and digging in deep to train when you don’t feel like it.
But the reality is, training and building mass doesn’t have to be this way. Training should be something you enjoy doing. You train because the thought of not training, makes you restless. You should train because you can’t wait to get up every day to get into the gym and because you know exactly why it is that you’re pushing yourself and exactly why you can’t rest until you’re finished.
When you adopt this attitude, you’ll find that you’ll never miss a training session. You’ll also find that your sessions are much more intense. Having a understanding of the core reason why you’re looking to improve your fitness is going to help you better select the program that’s right for you.
To put yourself in this frame of mind, ask yourself the following question.
Are you training to be just physically fit?
Are you training to become a better all-around athlete?
Or maybe just because you want to be healthier, more energetic and better able to spend more time with your family?
Maybe you want to set a good example for your kids.
And of course, in all these cases, the best type of training for you is going to vary greatly. If you’re interested in overall physical fitness, then you’ll need to train hard in multiple capacities. If you want to be healthy for your family, then you will probably be more interested in healthy lifestyle choices. On the other hand, if you’re interested in pushing yourself harder to become the best you can physically be, then you’ll need a completely different way of training, living and eating. The program and equipment you select is going to match your choice and so will the results.
This is important because you’ll find that a lot of the training advice you come across relates directly to these kinds of ‘training philosophies’. CrossFit, powerlifting, powerbuilding, bodybuilding, MovNat, functional strength training, HIIT… these are all more than just training modalities – they’re whole movements with principles and attitudes surrounding them.
If you choose the wrong type of training, then you’ll find that the principles are not geared toward your goals. If you want to build the biggest muscle possible, then following a MovNat or powerlifting program just simply won’t be enough to allow that to happen.
This is what makes Biohacking a revolutionary concept. Biohacking doesn’t require a specific methodology. Biohacking takes methodologies from all programs – exercises, nutrition, sleep habits – and continually redesigns them around your biology, capabilities and performance.
Step 2: Change Your Thinking
If you’ve done any Google search for fitness programs, you’ll discover there are a lot of differences when it comes to the different ways that people respond to their training. Picking the right kind of training for your fitness goals is a start. But, many overlook the type of training that your body will respond to the best.
This could be why you haven’t seen the results you’ve been looking for. If you’ve been using the wrong type of training that isn’t the best catered to your specific biology, then you will unintentionally have been impeding your own progress. For example, if you’ve been training with heavy free-weights but your fast twitch muscle fiber aren’t very strong, then you won’t be getting the results you’d be getting using equipment that works with your body’s capabilities.
It’s very common for people who’ve been training for years to suddenly hit a plateau where progress stalls. When this happens, many assume there’s something wrong with their workout regiment or training style, so they look for ran alternative. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably had this happen at some point in your fitness.
Eventually you found it, right? This allowed you to see sudden progress. For example, switching from lifting heavy weights very explosively and quickly, to suddenly lifting much lighter weights with a far slower and more controlled technique can give significantly greater gains.
This would be enough for many people to say: lifting weights eccentrically gives in better results! However, that’s not the case at all. Rather, the case is that negatives worked for that person. This might be because they respond particular well to time under tension, or their muscle fibers are better conditioned.
Either way though, it was only by switching the way of thinking and working that allowed that progress to happen.
So, what you’ll need to do, is assess the type of athlete you are and then discover what equipment and training is going to suit you best.
While working through this exercise, you might find many potential answers.
For example, if you are someone who looks very thin, can’t generate a lot of power, but your endurance is unmatched, you might need slower, high tension training. This might also mean getting more rest, increasing your intake of protein and carbs to see results.
On the other hand, if you’re someone who already has a lot of muscle to start, you might be carrying more weight than you need to. Which means you’re capable of a lot of strength and force, but you tire out quickly. In this is you, then you might do better with an intensive program and equipment.
Once you’ve discovered the right path for you, you can create an athletic profile for yourself. You can then use this to uncover the right exercises and equipment that you’re likely to respond to the best.
This sounds like quite a handful just to get started with training on the right path. Unless you’re a professional bodybuilder and getting paid to train, you probably don’t have the time to do this consistenty right.
Step 3: The Science Gym.
Since biohacking doesn’t use a specific methodology, and is continually tuning to your biology, you can give equal attention to size, strength and endurance. This results in what’s commonly known as ‘athletic aesthetics’ – a physique that looks as good as it performs.
There are a million and one different types of weights, exercises and nutrition guidelines that you can use to achieve this. However, at The Science Gym, we eliminate the confusion that keeps many people stuck, by combining the science of bio-hacking with technology in a full body adaptive resistance workout. (Try saying that 5 times faster).
This takes the continually evolving methodology of biohacking, and combines it with equipment that continually adapts to your biology and capabilities.
What does this mean for you?
It means that instead of a series of drop sets to challenge your muscles, followed by a run for cardio, you can spend 30 minutes in a Science Gym full body adaptive resistance workout.
It means that instead of power-lifting and potential injury from too much weight, you can spend 30 minutes using equipment that learns from you and challenges you in ways your body can handle.
To see how easy it can be to achieve your goals for gains with The Science Gym, click here to schedule an appointment for the experience. We’ll send you a Science Based Fitness nutrition guide when you schedule your appointment.